programs in four categories (career
development, leadership development,
professional development, and basic
business skills development) to ensure that
each individual can acquire the necessary
skills. We also offer a variety of
opportunities for employees to proactively
develop their abilities according to their
development, leadership development,
professional development, and basic
business skills development) to ensure that
each individual can acquire the necessary
skills. We also offer a variety of
opportunities for employees to proactively
develop their abilities according to their
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
IT is about using technology to revolutionize
what has been taken for granted.
Yes, we challenge "precedents.
We believe that in order to overturn precedent,
the potential of people is essential.
As you read this, dream of your unlimited
We have created a character that no one has
seen yet as a recruitment concept.
what has been taken for granted.
Yes, we challenge "precedents.
We believe that in order to overturn precedent,
the potential of people is essential.
As you read this, dream of your unlimited
We have created a character that no one has
seen yet as a recruitment concept.
programs in four categories (career
development, leadership development,
professional development, and basic
business skills development) to ensure that
each individual can acquire the necessary
skills. We also offer a variety of
opportunities for employees to proactively
develop their abilities according to their
development, leadership development,
professional development, and basic
business skills development) to ensure that
each individual can acquire the necessary
skills. We also offer a variety of
opportunities for employees to proactively
develop their abilities according to their
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
Create an unknown future.
代表取締役 執行役員 社長
當麻 隆昭
サステナビリティ経営推進にあたり、社会が抱えるさまざまな課題を事業視点で評価し、社会と共に成長するために、「豊かな未来社会の創造」「安心・安全な社会の提供」「いきいきと活躍できる社会の実現」など、特に重要で優先的に取り組むべき課題を7つのマテリアリティとして策定しました。様々なステークホルダーの皆様と共に、これらの社会課題解決へ貢献することを通じて「2030年 共創ITカンパニー」を実現します。
どのような困難がたちはだかろうとも、それらを一つひとつ乗り越え、人々の、世界の、未来の可能性を切り拓いていく― そうした気概あふれる皆さんの挑戦を、大いに期待しています。