SCSK Group's Corporate Philosophy and Sustainability
Together with its stakeholders,SCSK will work toward the creation of an affluent society under its aim of becoming a company that contributes to society through its business activities.
SCSK Group's Value Creation Process
The SCSK Group will promote sustainability management as a growth strategy.
We aim to become a "Co-Creative IT Company in 2030"by solving social issues and generating new value through our business by addressing our material issues with our corporate philosophy as the origin of our business.
Promotion of Sustainability Management and Our Governance System
The SCSK Group established the Sustainability Committee as an advisory body to Representative Director and President, in order to confirm and review company-wide issues and measures to be undertaken in relation to promotion of sustainability management, which forms part of the Group’s growth strategy.
Chaired by a general manager, the Sustainability Committee is composed of Working Group 1 and Working Group 2.
Working Group 1 is chaired by the general manager and comprises members from the executive management team representing the Group Corporate. It confirms and reviews the implementation status of the Company’s measures in terms of sustainability and material issues along with future initiatives.
Working Group 2 is chaired by Officers of the Business Group who selects the members from among employees of the Business Group and Group Corporate. It reviews matters regarding the SCSK Group’s ideal approaches to sustainability management and initiatives to address material issues. These members are selected with the expectations that they will play a role as outspoken leaders of activities to promote the penetration of sustainability within the organization to which they belong and fostering of a corporate culture that embraces sustainability.
The Sustainability Committee periodically reports its findings to the Management Committee, and after further discussions are held at the Management Committee from a company-wide management perspective, the Sustainability Committee reports to the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors provides appropriate supervision.
- Sustainability Management Promotion System
- Activities of Working Group 1 and Working Group 2 of the Sustainability Committee
- Initiatives and examples related to material issues
- Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and initiatives for reduction of the SCSK Group
- SCSK Group Human Rights Policy and initiatives toward human rights
- SCSK Group’s social contribution activities (CAMP and Earth One)
Activities of Working Group 1 of the Sustainability Committee
Working Group 1 reviews the implementation status of measures of the Company for sustainability and material issues and any shortfalls. At the same time, in implement-ing sustainability management, it discusses matters that the SCSK Group should address over the medium to long term, as well as matters, the environment, and policies that the Group should be aware of.
The meetings were held four times in total in FY2022.
- Review of the international information disclosure standards related to sustainability, as well as review aimed to increase the disclosure items in securities reports
- Review of the status of initiatives toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions and their results
- Review of the SCSK Group Human Rights Policy and initiatives toward human rights due diligence, as well as review of the response to the U.K. Modern Slavery Act
We deepened our understanding of the latest trends in information disclosure standards, which are being developed internationally, and reviewed any shortfalls related to our initiatives toward information disclosure. We also reviewed the progress of preparations for disclosure of non-financial information, such as human capital and the environment.
With regard to the environment, we discussed medium- to long-term measures, including the procurement and use of renewable energy, in addition to the fact that continuous efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including through the supply chain, are important.
We discussed our future efforts in respecting human rights, including in the supply chain.
Activities of Working Group 2 of the Sustainability Committee
Working Group 2 is examining measures to “deepen employees’ understanding of sustainability management and materiality” and “foster organizational culture” toward the realization of sustainability management, which is the SCSK Group’s growth strategy.
When considering measures, each committee member takes the initiative and places importance on the “excitement” that makes people want to participate in the activities.
The working group consists of diverse members from various backgrounds. The working group meets about once a month and exchanges opinions on measures and checks the progress of measures to promote understanding.
- Exchange of opinions among the heads of each business group, subcommittee heads, and subcommittee members toward the dissemination of sustainability management activities (dissemination of understanding and cultivation of culture) in their own organizations
- Report on promotion activities in each organization by committee members
- Exchange of opinions between Chairman Yamano and committee members to promote understanding and foster culture
Initiatives Aimed at Promoting Sustainability Management
Beyond 2030 Committee for Discussing SCKS’s Future led by Young Employees
We launched Beyond 2030 with the purpose of developing a corporate culture of self-starter employees who will be charged with sustainability management aimed at the sustainable growth of the SCSK Group. Beyond 2030 is a program for young employees and future leaders selected from across the SCSK Group to think about and discuss the SCSK Group’s future and contributions to society through its businesses. Under this roughly six-month program, a select group of employees were placed into teams to discuss the SCSK Group’s roles and growth strategies and to deepen discussions through exchanges with SCSK’s executive management team and outside experts. Each team reported the results of discussions to top management and conducted opinion exchanges. Participants commented that they felt keenly aware of the importance of taking the initiative in thinking about the future. We plan to continue holding this program annually in FY2021 and beyond.
Future Creation Program
We launched the SCSK Group Future Creation Program in October 2020 with the goal of creating businesses originating from the SCSK Group. The program aims to tackle the challenges of business creation and produce multiple entrepreneurs by using dynamic thinking that is outside the box. The program solicited a broad range of business ideas from employees of the SCSK Group focused on the themes of “businesses that contribute to solutions to social issues visible from long-term social changes in a world with COVID-19,” “businesses suited to the SCSK Group as it seeks to become a Co-Creative IT Company,” and “businesses targeting several billions of yen in scale aimed at 2030.” In FY2020, a total of 32 ideas were received, with each undergoing document screening, presentation screening and final screening by outside experts and SCSK’s executive management candidates. We plan on continuing to hold the program in FY2021 and beyond.
Observance of International Guidelines and Principles
SCSK observes international guidelines and principles in its Sustainability activities.