Environmental Management

Environmental Policy

The SCSK Group promotes environmental activities in conformance with the environmental policies and systems of Sumitomo Corporation and the Sumitomo Group companies.

Sumitomo Corporation Group Environmental Policy

I. Basic Policy
The Sumitomo Corporation Group recognizes that environmental issues are global in scale and that they are long-range concerns affecting future generations. As a global organization, the Sumitomo Corporation Group, through sound business activities, will strive to achieve sustainable development aimed at both social and economic progress and environmental preservation.
II. Basic Guidelines
In pursuing its diversified business activities both within Japan and overseas, the Sumitomo Corporation Group shall comply with the following guidelines, and, through cooperation between its Group companies, work to achieve the aims of its environmental Basic Policy.
  • Basic stance with regard to the environment:
    To place great importance on protecting the global environment as a good corporate citizen in accordance with the Sumitomo Corporation's Activity Guidelines.
  • Compliance with environmental legislation:
    To strictly observe legislation related to environmental matters not only in Japan but also overseas, and to abide by any agreements made.
  • Caring for the natural environment:
    To place great importance on preserving the environment, including the natural ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • Response to climate change:
    To place great importance on mitigating climate change and adapting to its impact.
  • Efficient use of resources and energy:
    To be mindful of the finite availability of resources and energy and strive to use them both efficiently and effectively.
  • Contributing to the building of a recycling-oriented society:
    To endeavor to help build a recycling-oriented society by reducing waste and reusing and recycling resources.
  • Promotion of businesses that contribute to environmental preservation:
    To utilize our integrated corporate strength to promote businesses and projects, which contribute to environmental preservation and reduction of the impact of society on the natural environment.
  • Establishment of environmental management:
    To use an environmental management system to prevent environmental pollution and set environmental objectives and targets which are regularly reviewed and continuously upgraded.
  • Disclosure of the Environmental Policy:
    To communicate this Environmental Policy to all people who are working for or on behalf of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, as well as disclosing it externally.

Environmental Action Plan

Environmental Action Plan

Since the Paris Agreement was implemented in November 2016, moves aimed at realizing carbon-free societies have accelerated across the world; examples include strengthening exhaust regulations for greenhouse gases, increased ESG investments, and growing markets for environmental businesses. At the same time, as the influence of climate change grows more conspicuous, methods of safeguarding social systems have increased in importance.

Consequently, based both on our Corporate Philosophy of “Create Our Future of Dreams” and the environmental policies of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, we have formed an Environmental Action Plan with three distinct targets.
SCSK is a company that contributes to society through its business activities, namely the provision of IT services. As such, we aim to create an affluent society together with our customers.

  • To collaborate with customer companies with the aim of contributing to the realization of carbon-free societies
    Together with our customers, we intend to develop and establish efficient systems that contribute to reductions in greenhouse gases.
  • To contribute to the creation of resilient societies that respond to climate change risks
    We intend to contribute to the establishment of resilient societal infrastructure, by means of data centers that can be used as disaster recovery bases and the utilization of the latest technologies.
  • To realize sustainable corporate activities that take the environment into consideration
    Through the implementation of energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources, we intend to minimize the greenhouse gases emitted as a consequence of our business activities.

Environmental Management

ISO 14001 Certification

We have acquired ISO 14001 certification, which is an environmental management system standard.

<ISO 14001 Management System Certificate>
ISO 14001 Management System Certificate
Click image for larger version pdf(1,206KB)

Third Party Verification and Assurance

We obtain third party verification and assurance from KPMG AZSA Sustainability concerning Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for the disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions. We will continue striving to disclose highly reliable information in the future.

<FY23 Independent Assurance Report>
Third Party Verification and Assurance
Click image for larger version pdf(1,956KB)

Environmental Goals

At the SCSK Group, we have drawn up four environmental goals and we are engaged in the promotion of environmental activities in accordance with our Environmental Action Plan.
The goal corresponding to Environmental Action Plan targets 1 and 2 is to “Expand and develop environmental business”; corresponding to target 3 is “Manage and reduce environmental burden.” Additionally, we have established two goals to support these activities: “Comply with environmental laws and regulations” and “Promote environmental education and communication related to environmental issues.”

Environmental goals, intended results, and concrete measures

Goals Intended results Concrete measures
Expand and develop environmental business To use IT solutions to reduce the environmental burden of society as a whole, and to respond to the impacts of climate change
  • Provide our customers with IT systems and infrastructure that supports efficient work processes (including the development of IT solutions that contribute to environmental improvements)
  • Provide highly efficient and highly reliable data center services
  • Sell eco-friendly products
  • Engage in emergency response and Business Continuity Plan (BCP) initiatives
Manage and reduce environmental burden To reduce greenhouse gases through lower energy and resource consumption in our business activities
  • Promote energy savings and reduced waste generation at our offices and data centers
  • Promote resource saving initiatives such as paperless meetings
  • Promote remote work which reduces the need for our employees to travel and commute for their work
  • Improve productivity via work style reforms and the use of SCSK system development standard (SE+)
Comply with environmental laws and regulations To strengthen corporate governance and increase trust
  • Promote thorough compliance
  • Implement regular compliance evaluations
  • Implement certification audits and internal environment audits to evaluate and check compliance
Promote environmental education and communication related to environmental issues To improve employee awareness of environmental protection, and to expand dialogue with stakeholders
  • Hold environment training—such as environment e-learning—and educational seminars
  • Promote employee participation in environmental protection activities, and employee support of environmental NPOs
  • Disclose environmental information in an appropriate manner

Regarding the reduction of the environmental load due to our business activities, we have set a quantitative reduction target with an intermediate target of 10 years from FY2015 to FY2025. Environmental performance data can be found here.


Office Environment Activity Targets for FY 2016-2025 1

Index(total volume) Reduction Target(Compared to FY2015)
Power usage 2 10% or more reduction
Office paper purchasing volume 40% or more reduction
General waste emissions 3 10% or more reduction
  • 1 Business locations with ISO certification only
  • 2 Business locations with ISO certification excluding data centers only
  • 3 Business locations with ISO certification capable of measuring general waste emissions


FY2022 Office Environmental Targets and Results

Index(total volume) Reduction Target(Compared to FY2015) Results           
Power usage 7% or more reduction 11.1% reduction
Office paper purchasing volume 28% or more reduction 85.0% reduction
General waste emissions 7% or more reduction 47.3% reduction

Environmental Management Promotion Framework

The SCSK Group has acquired ISO 14001 environmental management system standard certification.

An environmental management promotion structure, in which the whole Group comes together as one, has been built under the President and the Executive Vice President.

Environmental preservation activities that are based on “environmental objectives, goals and indices” are being promoted continuously and systematically.

The implementation status of each plan is evaluated annually by an audit team and the results are reported to management, which then undertakes to revise the activities as required. Through continuous improvement, we are aiming to make further contributions to environmental preservation and footprint reduction.

Promotion Framework Diagram

PDCA Cycle-based Efforts

We recognize that one of our core societal missions is to improve society by reducing environmental burden and facilitating adaptations to environmental changes through our business activities.

In order to strengthen our environmental activities into those that are highly viable, all those involved, from management to employees in the field, follow the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle to enable ongoing improvements.

In executing the PDCA cycle, each Group company and internal division “plan” by formulating their respective environmental action plan on the basis of the Sumitomo Shoji Group’s environmental policy, and “do” by executing the plan. The auditing division carries out the “check” by evaluating the status of operation as needed. After receiving a report of the results of the evaluation, management takes “action” by reflecting results and revising the environmental management system.

The SCSK Group PDCA Cycle

The SCSK Group PDCA Cycle

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

In order to reduce the environmental burden generated by its business activities, the SCSK Group is thoroughly compliant with environmental laws and regulations. As awareness of environmental issues in society and administration further increases, we constantly monitor the latest movements, such as revisions to related regulations, and respond in an appropriate manner.
In fiscal 2021, we incurred no fines or punishments related to the environment.

Supply Chain Sustainability Policy

We ask all of our partners to kindly accept, understand and implement our policy for sustainability in supply chain, in order to fulfill our social responsibilities together. For more details, please see the Supply Chain Sustainability Policy page.

Employees engage in group discussions at the SCSK Social Session
SCSK Social Session: “Thinking About the Environment”

SCSK holds internal workshops named “SCSK Social Sessions,” with the goal of familiarizing employees with social issues and encouraging them to think about the Group’s role in society.

The Social Session was entitled “Thinking About the Environment.” We invited experts from outside the company to discuss the potential of businesses to contribute to improvements in environmental issues, and to suggest ways in which we ought to do this in our daily corporate activities.

Discussions were held at the workshops on environmental businesses that SCSK ought to engage in. This includes increasing dealings in eco-friendly products and services, and the development of systems that contribute to business optimization.

Comments from External Experts

Tomohiko Yamaguchi,
Cre-en Inc.

The workshops were attended by employees from a variety of departments, including system development and data center operation. The participants demonstrated high levels of social awareness and engaged in lively discussions. I believe this project will provide a foundation for generating businesses that contribute to the resolution of societal issues.