Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)
Promotion of diversity and inclusion (D&I)
We aim to “enhance organizational capabilities by allowing diverse human resources to recognize and understand each other as peers,” and are developing measures to understand and utilize diversity from three perspectives: “profiles,” “thoughts and capabilities,” and “opinions and views expressed.” We aim to be a company that continues to achieve sustainable growth and create new value by drawing out the full potential of all our human resources and applying that potential to business growth.
From FY2024, we have added the elements of Equity and Belonging (defined as “working together”) to D&I, and are evolving the concept of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in an effort to foster an organizational culture in which each employee can demonstrate his or her capabilities without any anxieties, as a workplace where fair and impartial responses can be made according to the situation of each individual, and as a place of his or her own.

Profile Diversity (diversity in profiles)
Promotion of Active Participation by Women
Since establishing an organization dedicated to the promotion of D&I in 2012, we have been proactively promoting the active participation by female employees. The promotion of active participation by women in the workplace is the foundation of D&I promotion that supports the Company's management policy toward realizing its goal of becoming a “Co-Creative IT Company in 2030,” and is an essential element in implementing “sustainability management,” which is positioned as a management strategy of the Company.
Since 2021, in order to increase the ratio of women involved in important decision-making and ensure diversity in management, targets for promotion of women have been set for each position, and training programs have been implemented. In addition, we have introduced the Supporter System (fostering of general manager level) and the Supporter Plus System (fostering of officer level) in which a person in charge of a business organization nominates candidates for the promotion and works on developing them as a supporter. We aim to further create value by actively promoting the appointment of women to high-ranking positions and thereby engaging in organizational management and business activities from various perspectives.
In addition, we are systematically training women who possess a high level of expertise in IT, which is the core of our business, (Level 5 or higher in the IT Skill Level Assessment).Through those efforts, we aim to achieve the target of tripling or more the number of female line managers in general manager positions or higher by FY2025. (FY2023 result: 1.3 times/as compared with FY2022 result)
SCSK's initiatives have been highly evaluated by external parties, and SCSK has been selected nine times as a “Nadeshiko Brand” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a listed company that is excellent in promotion of active participation by women.

Support for balancing work with childcare and nursing care
SCSK is working to create an environment where employees,regardless of gender, can balance work and life events and continue to work without any anxieties. In addition, we have developed a system that enables diverse and flexible working styles that are not bound by time or place, so that employees can continue to build their careers in conjunction with their life events.
In supporting the balance of childcare with work, we designed a system aiming to create an environment which enables both men and women to participate in childcare and balance it with work. As a result of efforts to recommend employees taking extended childcare leave in installments and introduced several other leaves related to childcare, the percentage of male employees extended childcare leave increased tenfold from five years ago, and when the percentage of employees taking leave related to childcare (including extended one), exceeded 93%.
With regard to the measures for balancing work and nursing care, we actively provide information through nursing care seminars and individual counseling sessions, in order to enable employees to continue working even if nursing care arises.
We participate in “WITTy (Women in IT in Toyosu),” which is formed by eight IT companies.WITTy is a community that was created with the aim of supporting the further advancement of female engineers working in the IT industry beyond the boundaries of the company. Since its establishment in 2013, the NRI Group has regularly held exchange events to share industry-specific concerns and issues, continue to work energetically, and draw up a career that suits them.We will continue to cooperate and advance various initiatives to enable women to play active roles throughout the industry.
Promotion of active participation by persons with disabilities
As a model company which employs people with severe disabilities, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Tama City Government, and SCSK established through co-investment “Tokyo Green Systems Corporation (tgs)” in 1992 as a third-sector company. With the philosophy of “participation, independence,and symbiosis,” tgs aims to achieve “independence and contribution” and promotes employment of employees with disabilities as a special-purpose subsidiary of SCSK.
SCSK Group companies are also working to create an environment in which diverse human resources can work together, and to instill the philosophy of normalization in employees. To this end, SCSK Group companies are strengthening their efforts to employ human resources with disabilities and support their active participation. Furthermore, we aim to contribute to a society in which diverse human resources play active roles with vigor by employing para-athletes and supporting their activities.
In addition, relaxation rooms are set up at major sites of SCSK, where visually-impaired persons who are qualified as “massage and finger-pressure therapists” based on national license are playing an active role as health keepers.
Website of TOKYO GREEN SYSTEMS CORPORATION (in Japanese)Initiatives for LGBTQ

Thought Diversity (diversity in thoughts and abilities)
We are strengthening mid-career recruitment in order to secure professional human resources who will be responsible for business strategies, and various professional human resources with different experiences, values, and abilities are having significant roles to play. By recognizing and respecting different styles and differences in ways of thinking, we find ideas and solutions that have never been seen before, leading to diversity in thoughts and abilities. In addition, by visualizing the profile of each employee through the human capital management system (LAP-HCM), we aim to revitalize communication across organizational boundaries.
Opinion Diversity (diversity in opinions and views expressed)
We are promoting initiatives aimed at creating an organization that makes use of diverse opinions and viewpoints of each individual. To date, we have published a guidebook, developed an internal portal site, and conducted training for management with the aim of instilling an understanding among all employees.
We will continue to work toward creating a workplace where diverse personalities are recognized, and employees respect each other and can freely express their opinions with high psychological safety.