Collaboration with Partner Companies

Basic Approach and Action Policy

Promoting Initiatives Together with Partner Companies

Companies provide their customers with various products and services. The ability to deliver consistent and high-quality services to customers requires close collaboration with various partner companies in the value chain of business activities.

 SCSK provides high-quality, safe, and reliable services by building long-lasting relationships with partner companies and establishing a sound value chain.

 In addition, working with our partner companies on various issues, we will continue to contribute to the growth of the IT industry and aim to implement well-being management by increasing the added value within the value chain and promoting various efforts, including working style reforms, health and productivity management activities, and sustainability management.

To consider these social responsibilities in its purchase activities, SCSK has established the “SCSK Group Supply Chain Sustainability Promotion Guidelines”

SCSK will continue to engage in sustainability activities together with its partner companies, to help the IT industry develop into an attractive industry that brings together excellent, talented human resources by working responsibly on social issues in Japan and overseas.

Purchasing Guidelines and Policy on the Qualification of Our Partner Companies

SCSK will conduct purchase activities in accordance with the Purchasing Guidelines below, based on the concept in the SCSK Group Supply Chain Sustainability Promotion Guidelines.

SCSK has also asked partner companies that share its mission of providing safe and secure IT services to make efforts in sustainability based on its purchasing policy.

Purchasing Guidelines


  • Aim to always improve quality and productivity through purchasing activities
  • Implement working style reforms together with partner companies to create an IT industry that attracts people


  • Comply with laws and social norms and carry out purchases that consider social responsibilities
  • Build an effective and efficient supply chain fully mindful of sustainability


  • Strive to build mutual understanding and trust through dialogue
Policy on the Qualification of Our Partner Companies
1. Soundness of management
  • Having the ability to secure business continuity with a stable business base.
  • Working on active information provision and disclosure.
2. Promotion of work style reforms
  • Aiming to become a "company with a pleasant and rewarding" where all employees can work with enthusiasm.
  • Actively promoting efforts to improve the work-life balance.
3. QCD
  • Exercising quality control based on standards set by SCSK (on its own) or equivalent criteria (Quality).
  • Setting appropriate prices based on high productivity (Cost).
  • Consistently meeting deadlines (Delivery).
4. Information security
  • Working to provide safe and secure services by promoting the full enforcement of information management and the enhancement of information security.
5. Compliance
  • Conducting fair trade by complying with laws, regulations and social norms.
  • Not engaging in transactions with anti-social forces.
6. Partnership
  • Working to promote mutual understanding and build a relationship of trust by respecting each other.
  • Creating our future of dreams together through technical innovations by working hard together.
7. Social responsibility
  • Striving to develop a sustainable society by fulfilling our corporate social responsibility.

Collaboration with Partners

SCSK announces and explains its policies through briefings, etc. to partner companies so that it can work with them on Sustainability in an integrated manner. SCSK is also working on monitoring, including field validation, to understand the status of efforts at partner companies.
To proceed with these initiatives, SCSK has identified areas to address together with its partner companies, in order to encourage a shared understanding with them.

Themes for Initiatives with Partner Companies

Core Partner Conference

Core Partner Conference

Core Partner Conference

SCSK designates main partner companies that help it achieve higher quality and productivity and engage in continuous and stable transactions as core partners. We are working to deepen engagement and implement additional measures to improve quality and expand business. At our annual Core Partner Conference, we share business plans with participating companies and gain their understanding regarding the direction of business.

Long-lasting Relationships With Partners that Lead the IT Industry

Improving Quality and Productivity

Along with partner companies, SCSK has continued to work to improve quality and productivity over many years, and is moving forward with stable systems development, maintenance, and operation using the SCSK development standard(SE+). We are also working with partner companies to leverage our proprietary Monozukuri innovation platform(S-Cred+)and achieve more advanced development and operation for the future.

 Furthermore, by conducting project-based mutual evaluations and analyzing and using those evaluations, we and our partner companies are continuing to increase quality and productivity.

Working Style Reforms and Health and Productivity Management


Stressing working style reforms and health and productivity management in order to create an IT industry that attracts talent, SCSK works with its partner companies to create an environment in which organizations can achieve high quality and productivity. We are also working to correct and eliminate the traditional practices of long work hours and unpaid overtime.

Furthermore, we are striving to help employees more fully realize a work-life balance by actively introducing telework as a flexible working style that makes it possible for individuals to make effective use of time and space.

Increasing Efficiency of Contract Operations


SCSK has dramatically increased not only its own but also partner companies’ work efficiency by completing the massive number of contract procedures, which exceed 30,000 annually, through Web-EDI.*1 Making use of a seamless communication portal, we are also working to increase the quality of operations by linking important items related to regulatory and general compliance.

*1 Web-EDI (Electronic Data Interchange): a system for increasing work efficiency by conducting business transactions between companies over the Internet.

Thoroughly Implementing Information Security and Compliance

When handling information that is the important assets of clients, SCSK and its partner companies demand thorough compliance with Information Security Guidelines set by SCSK and undertake several other activities, such as regular briefings and field audits.

 To eliminate information security incidents, we also thoroughly implement information security and compliance with partner companies, work to create a safe and reliable value chain that offers high value added, and win the trust of client and society.

Initiative Themes

Promoting Sustainability


Having received the understanding and consent of partner companies, SCSK undertakes IT industry sustainability promotion activities with those companies.
In addition to sharing with partner companies the SCSK Group Human Rights Policy formulated in May 2022, we conduct activities to raise awareness of respect for human rights. Furthermore, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including those from the supply chain, we not only share information on the various measures related to awareness of the climate change problem and reducing emission, but also promote initiatives to realize a sustainable society.

Message from a Business Partner

Through years of transactions with SCSK, we have been working to meet SCSK’s particular emphasis on quality improvement and expectations for partners, which have been shared with us on an ongoing basis.

To fulfill SCSK’s expectations, our employees have made consistent efforts. This has led to our highly regarded quality and productivity, which our employees and I truly appreciate.

Going forward, we will work even harder to meet customer expectations.

June 2023

Koshiro Someya
Representative Director and President
IST-Software Co., Ltd.
Message from a Business Partner

Based on a corporate philosophy of valuing quality and technical capabilities, Daiwa Computer continues to undertake related efforts. Furthermore, we have not only actively worked to undertake various initiatives promoted by SCSK, such as breaking free of labor-intensive operations, shifting to in-house development, and offering bundled outsourcing operations, but also striven to improve quality and productivity and train human resources, which has resulted in numerous benefits. As we conduct mutual evaluations, we will take into consideration issues that we learn about and workplace opinions, seriously face and solve each and every issue, and do all that we can to meet the expectations of SCSK and end clients.

July 2022

Kenji Nakamura
President CEO
Daiwa Computer Co., Ltd.
Message from a Business Partner

SCSK is an industry leader when it comes to working style reforms. As SCSK's core partner, we have implemented similar reforms through offering opportunities for sharing measures and communication with SCSK.

As a result, we have reduced average overtime hours and increased the rate of consumed annual paid vacation days used, and we have been recognized in terms of our work-life balance and promotion of women's empowerment.

Going forward, we will further evolve our initiatives and tackle the challenge of earning certification as an organization with outstanding health and productivity management practices, as we seek to grow together as a core partner.

July 2021

Hiroshi Hirayama
Representative Director and President
System Research Co., Ltd.
Message from a Business Partner

PSC’s philosophy since its founding has been “3S for all customers.”
This means that our most important value in our work is for all employees to contribute to the success, satisfaction and smiles of our customers.

First, however, employees must realize the 3S for themselves before they can provide it to all customers. We also recognize the importance of our employees’ mental and physical wellbeing. As a result, we have worked on health and productivity management, following the example of SCSK.

Looking ahead, we will strive for working style reforms together with SCSK more actively than before so that we can be a company that brings smiles to its customers and employees.

September 2019

Masayuki Suzuki
Message from a Business Partner

Backed by its development capabilities and operational know-how cultivated in the financial industry, TOHO SYSTEM SCIENCE CO., LTD., handles a wide range of services, including system development, operation, and maintenance, as a Core Partner of SCSK.

By actively taking initiatives to change the way employees work and promoting health and productivity management, SCSK is changing the way IT engineers work. I feel that these efforts are greatly contributing to improvement of the IT industry's status, and TOHO SYSTEM SCIENCE wholeheartedly approves of their efforts. Under our medium-term management plan, we aim to improve employee satisfaction and productivity. As such, we will work with SCSK going forward to reform the way our employees work as well as the work–life habits in the IT industry as a whole.

August 2018

Nobuo Murakami
President and COO
Message from a Business Partner

Despite the current era being characterized by such trends as cloud computing, big data, and IoT, the IT industry is still an unpopular area for employment, a situation I had always found most unfortunate. It was when I was struggling with this concern that I had the opportunity to hear about SCSK's reforms of working styles. Hearing of these reforms made me realize the value of conviction in inspiring employees, how important it is to reiterate your beliefs repeatedly, and reminded me of the necessity of a strong passion to change the world. I now feel empowered toward transforming the IT industry into a more appealing area for employment, and I hope to promote reforms of working styles together with SCSK and other partner companies to realize this goal.

September 2016

Shigeyuki Onishi
Computer Institute of Japan, Ltd.