Corporate Governance

SCSK is working to ensure transparency in management, strengthen appropriate governance and monitoring structures, and enhance the soundness of management through ongoing risk management.

Basic Approach and System for Corporate Governance

Embracing its focus on corporate social responsibility, the SCSK Group implements sustainability management with an eye to shareholders and other stakeholders.

From this perspective, the SCSK Group considers raising the efficiency and soundness of management as well as ensuring transparency in the decision-making process as the most basic components of its corporate governance. Rating these matters high among management priorities, we aim to build an optimal management structure that benefits SCSK the most.

We implement each of the principles set forth in the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Corporate Governance Code and provide detailed disclosures within our Corporate Governance Report based on each principle.

Overview of Corporate Governance System (as of June 23, 2022)
Overview of Corporate Governance System (as of June 23, 2022)

History of Efforts to Strengthen Corporate Governance
History of Efforts to Strengthen Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure
Corporate Governance Structure

Composition of Board of Directors and Committees

◎:Chairperson ○:Committee Member ( ):Attendance record*1

Position Name Board of Directors Audit and Supervisory Committee Governance Committee*4
Conflict of Interest Advisory Subcommittee*4 Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Subcomiittee
Representative Director
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Hideki Yamano*3 (−)
Representative Director
President and Chief Operating Officer
Takaaki Touma*3 (−)
Exective Vice President
Koji Tamefusa (12/12 meetings)
Exective Vice President
Tetsuya Fukunaga (14/14 meetings)
Director Shunichi Aramaki*3 (−)
Director*2 Tetsuya Kubo
(12/12 meetings)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member) Yasunori Anzai (14/14 meetings)
(15/15 meetings)
(14/14 meetings)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)*2 Kimitoshi Yabuki (14/14 meetings) (15/15 meetings)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)*2 Masaichi Nakamura (12/14 meetings) (15/15 meetings)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)*2 Kazuko Shiraishi (14/14 meetings) (15/15 meetings)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)*2 Yasuo Miki*3 (−) (−)
Director(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member)*2 Sadayo Hirata*3 (−) (−)

*1 Attendance records from April 2021 to March 2022
*2 Outside Director
*3 Newly elected(from June 2022)
*4 In addition one independent outside expert (lawyer) has been appointed as a committee member, bringing the total number of committee members to 7.

Policy on the Protection of Minority Shareholders

Policy on the Protection of Minority Shareholders in Ensuring Independence from Parent Company

To protect minority shareholders, the Board of Directors consists of 12 directors, and 6 of those directors are independent outside directors, about whom there are no concerns about conflict of interest with general shareholders. The Board of Directors makes important management decisions and supervises the execution of operations from an independent perspective.
SCSK also gives appropriate consideration to the shared interest of SCSK and its shareholders and established the Governance Committee and the Conflict of Interest Advisory Subcommittee, which are composed of independent outside directors and independent outside experts, as advisory bodies to the Board of Directors in order to ensure fairness and transparency.
One SCSK director is from the parent company, and efforts are made to strengthen and expand the business foundation. Furthermore, material matters regarding the execution of operations when conducting business are decided based on agreement by the Board of Directors, which ensures the autonomy and independence of management decisions by SCSK, a listed company.

Policy on the Protection of Minority Shareholders in Transactions with Parent Company

SCSK takes steps so that transactions with its parent company Sumitomo Corporation are not detrimental to minority shareholders.
In FY2021, sales to the parent company accounted for 5.2% of total net sales. The parent company places no constraints on business activities, and transaction terms are the same as those that would be applied to regular transactions with clients that we do not have a capital relationship. We recognize this as ensuring a certain level of independence.
As for those transactions that are material, advance consultations are held with the Governance Committee and the Conflict of Interest Advisory Subcommittee, and the Board of Directors decides whether to conduct the transaction after receiving a report from these bodies.
Furthermore, we ensure fairness by having reports on the state of business with the parent company regularly submitted to the Governance Committee and the Conflict of Interest Advisory Subcommittee.

Election and Dismissal of Directors and Procedures

When electing and dismissing directors (excluding those who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members), the Governance Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Subcommittee are consulted, and the election and dismissal is tabled at the General Meeting of Shareholders after being voted on by the Board of Directors and taking into consideration the opinion of the Audit and Supervisory Committee. In addition, for candidates for directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members, the approval of the Audit and Supervisory Committee is obtained, and then they are elected or dismissed through the same process.

As for the composition and number of Board of Directors members, decisions are made taking into consideration the skills that should be possessed by the SCSK’s Board of Directors and the balance and diversity of skills possessed by each director.

To maintain and improve directors’ supervision of execution of duties, independent outside directors about whom there are no concerns of conflict of interest with general shareholders will continue to be selected. Independent outside directors who possess management judgement based on a wide range of business activities attend Board of Directors meetings and provide advice to maximize corporate value.

Selection Criteria

Directors (excluding directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members)

Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee members

Outside Directors

Reasons for Elections and Summary of Their Expected Roles
Outside Directors Reasons for Elections and Summary of Their Expected Roles
Tetsuya Kubo
(Chairman of the Board)
Mr.Tetsuya Kubo possesses robust management experience gained over years of serving in important positions at major Financial institutions as well as wide-ranging knowledge pertaining to global businesses. We believe that the knowledge and insights that he has acquired through his career qualify him to help maintain and enhance the supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to offer advice on all areas of management, and we have thus selected him as an Outside Director.
Kimitoshi Yabuki
(Governance Committee Chair)
Audit and Supervisory
Committee Member,
Independent Director
Mr. Kimitoshi Yabuki has specialized knowledge and experience as an attorney and broad insights into social issues and human rights issues. We believe that the knowledge and insights he has acquired through his career qualify him to help maintain and enhance supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to offer advice for overall management, and we have thus selected him as an Outside Director that also serves as an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member.
Masaichi Nakamura Audit and Supervisory
Committee Member,
Independent Director
Mr. Masaichi Nakamura has specialized knowledge and experience as a certified public accountant and broad insights into risk management. We believe that the experience and insights he has acquired through his career qualify him to help maintain and enhance supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to offer advice for overall management. We have thus selected him as an Outside Director who also serves as an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member
Kazuko Shiraishi Audit and Supervisory
Committee Member,
Independent Director
Ms.Kazuko Shiraishi possesses a strong, global background as well as wide-ranging knowledge pertaining to environmental, social,and human rights issues gained in her role as a diplomat. She was selected as an Outside Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee member because we believe the experience and insights she has acquired through her career qualify her to help maintain and enhance supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to offer advice for overall management.
Yasuo Miki Audit and Supervisory
Committee Member,
Independent Director
Mr. Yasuo Miki possesses a breath of experience in maneging IT companies as well as wide-ranging technology knowledge. He was selected as an Outside Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee member because we believe the experience and insights he has acquired through his career qualify him to help maintain and enhance the supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to provide advice on overall management.
Sadayo Hirata Audit and Supervisory
Committee Member,
Independent Director
Ms. Sadayo Hirata has a wealth of experience as an engineer as well as academic insight pertaining to IT and technology management. She was selected as an Outside Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee member because we believe the experience and insights she has acquired through her career qualify her to help maintain and enhance supervision of execution of operations at SCSK and to provide advice on overall management.

Stimulating Deliberation on the Board of Directors

Stimulating Deliberation on the Board of Directors

The secretariat of the Board of Directors led mainly by the Legal Department strives to endeavor handout materials for the Board of Directors and to ensure discussions during meetings of the Board of Directors are active and substantial by conducting prior explanations for outside directors.

Additionally, the secretariat determines the annual schedule and deliberation matters of the Board of Directors in advance to every extent possible, continuously reviews agenda standards, and carefully selects matters requiring resolution of the Board of Directors. In this manner, sufficient time is dedicated to deliberations on truly material matters.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Initiatives to Improve the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

Every year, SCSK carries out self-evaluation and analysis concerning the effectiveness of the Board of Directors since FY2016 in order to improve the functions of the Board of Directors and enhance corporate value as a result.

Looking ahead, taking into account the results of this evaluation, SCSK’s Board of Directors will swiftly address the issues identified based on a thorough review and will continue to promote measures for enhancing the functions of the Board of Directors.

Evaluation Method

As for the FY2021 self-evaluation and analysis, all directors who are Board of Directors members completed a questionnaire in February 2022 while receiving advice from an outside organization.

Anonymity was ensured by having directors submit completed questionnaires to the outside organization. After receiving a report on the results from the outside organization, an analysis, discussion, and evaluation were conducted at the Board of Directors meeting held in May 2022.

Evaluation/analysis Process

Remuneration for Directors

Basic Policy on Remuneration for Directors and Procedures for Deciding Amount of Remuneration

SCSK pays out annual remuneration to directors including performance-linked compensation, within the maximum amount as determined at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

The policies, procedures, and calculation methods, and level of remuneration of directors (excluding outside directors, part-time directors and those directors that serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee members) are decided by resolution of the Board of Directors taking into account the results of examinations by the Governance Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Subcommittee, a majority of whose members consists of independent outside directors and independent outside experts. The Audit and Supervisory Committee confirms the validity of remuneration level based on roles and duties of directors considering the fairness of the calculation of remuneration and business performance.

In addition, directors that serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee members hold discussions regarding their own compensation pursuant to the provisions of Article 361, Paragraph 3 of the Companies Act.

Remuneration of Directors and Corporate Auditors

Policy and Indicators for Performance-Linked Compensation

(1) Short-term performance-linked compensation (cash compensation)

The amount of short-term performance-linked compensation is decided based on the executive officer remuneration system. Short-term performance-linked compensation is variable as it is calculated by adjusting the standard amount set for each director position based on the target achievement rate and individual evaluation for the particular year. The weight of the target achievement rate and individual performance are 60% and 40%, respectively.

Target achievement rate = Target achievement rate for net sales x 0.3 + target achievement rate for operating income x 0.7
Individual evaluation = payout rate proportional to individual evaluation based on executive officer remuneration system

As for individual evaluations, the efforts of each officer related to the Medium-Term Management Plan and sustainable management are evaluated, which functions as a sound incentive to achieve the SCSK management strategy and sustainable growth.

(2) Medium- to long-term performance-linked compensation (stock-based compensation)

To provide an incentive that embodies the sustained improvement in corporate value depicted in Grand Design 2030 and promote greater sharing of value with all shareholders, from FY2022 SCSK grants its directors (excluding outside directors, part-time directors and those directors that serve as Audit and Supervisory Committee members) restricted stock as compensation linked to medium- to long-term performance.

The restricted transfer period is generally from the day the restricted shares are granted until the day the person resigns as a SCSK officer in order to share shareholders value over the medium to long term.

Both Senior Executive Officers and Senior Corporate Officers are also granted restricted shares.

Performance-Linked Compensation Policy and Indicators

Internal Control

SCSK has established the Basic Policy on Establishing the Internal Control System so that the execution of duties by directors conforms to laws and the Articles of Incorporation and that other operations along with the operations of the corporate group comprising SCSK and its subsidiaries are performed appropriately.

In accordance with this basic policy, we continuously check the effectiveness of the internal control system and conduct reviews based on the changing management climate, which allows us to modify the internal control system on occasion as the need arises. The SCSK Group is working to strengthen governance in order to reasonably guarantee the achievement of the four goals of (1) effectiveness and efficiency of operations, (2) reliability of financial reporting, (3) compliance with laws and regulations related to business activities, and (4) safeguarding of assets during the course of its business operations.